BilisBenta - The Philippines leading dropshipping company

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Tiktok Dropshipping

General FAQ

What is Bilisbenta ( How to do Dropshipping with Bilisbenta?

Bilisbenta is a local automated dropshipping platform here in the Philippines that offers shared inventories and resources to its Dropshippers. Dropshippers can sell thousands of products on the platform of Lazada, and soon on Shopee and Shopify on the ready to sell store created for them by Bilisbenta, complete with product photos and descriptions.

How to become a member?

  1. Register to and follow the steps to verify your email address.

  2. Go to Catalogs, choose your desired catalog/s to sell and Subscribe.

  3. Fill up the Subscriber form then proceed with the payment page.

  4. Make sure to read the Terms and Conditions before you.

  5. Choose your preferred payment option and once payment is done, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

  6. Your subscription will undergo payment verification, store creation and will be turned over for a maximum of seven (7) working days.

Bilisbenta is on a shared inventory system for its products per catalog.

Dropshippers view real time inventory or stock level of the products on the Lazada Seller Center.

"Dropshippers must price their products strategically at an acceptable profit margin. To edit prices, go to Products > Manage Products > Edit > Special Price. Make sure to indicate Start and End date for price to take effect. Note: Never sell your products lower than the Bilisbenta cost found on your dashboard"

"Before a product goes out of stock, Bilisbenta Sourcing team arranges replenishment from our mix of local and international suppliers. However, there will be products that are no longer replenishable. Bilisbenta continues to add assortment of new products to fill in for non-replenishable items."

"All subscription fee is non refundable."

"If your subscription lapses and you don't renew it on time, you have a grace period of up to 2 months to reactivate it. However, if you want to renew your account beyond the 2 months grace period, you need to contact us first on our facebook page: BilisBenta, to find out if it is renewable."

A stock keeping unit (SKU) is a unique identifier for an item sold by a retailer. Therefore, Seller SKUs found on your Stores must never be altered or revised.

Cost of goods for each SKU or product can be found on your Bilisbenta dashboard under Price List.

No, Bilisbenta will create a new store for every Catalog subscribed.

Not all items have healthy stock level. Bilisbenta encourages its Dropshippers to market and sell those with evident deep inventories on the Seller Center.

"Bilisbenta Fulfillment Support Team will coordinate the affected order/s to the Dropshipper and provide replacement product for the out of stock item/s through convemient communication channels. Dropshipper must immediately coordinate with its customer regarding the replacement. Bilisbenta will wait for feedback to proceed or not with the replacement. Dropshippers must always be available should such instances arise. Failure to respond or to communicate with Bilisbenta on the resolution of affected order/s will cause delay in the processing of orders. To avoid SLA Breach and OVL, Bilisbenta will decide on the solution of the order and inform the Dropshipper about it. "

Bilisbenta replenishes its products regularly with close coordination with Suppliers. Leadtime depends on the availability of stocks and delivery timeline of suppliers.

Dropshippers can export and update products in bullk through the Batch Export and Batch Import under Manage Products. The desired template to be edited must be chosen.

  1. Go to Products > Manage Products.

  2. Click Batch Export.

  3. Select "Export Selected Products" (this will show you number of selected items) or "Export All Products" (choose all active).

  4. Choose which template you would want to edit and export in batch.

  5. CLick Export File.

  6. Open Downloaded File and start editing.

  7. After editing, save the file as is.

  8. Click Batch Upload.

  9. Select Upload File and submit saved file.

  10. You can see progress under Task Status Column and you may update the file that fails and upload it again until you get successful report.

Bilisbenta turns over your Store with the product list on the catalog you have availed for subcription. Any product not on the catalog is not allowed.

  1. Change your Lazada Seller Center Prices at your preferred markup percentage based on cost at BB site. Never go below BB cost.

  2. Edit all Product Thumbnails to create more attractive images.

  3. Identify atleast 10-20 winning items by doing product reserarch on Lazada or by observing product visitors.

  4. Edit Product Listing of winning products aiming for 100% content score through the use of Lorikeet.

  5. Decorate your Store Decoration and utilize all modules.

  6. Join Lazada Campaigns for exposure and traffic.

  7. Post rating on Lazada Store Feed.

  8. Create Facebook page and Buiness Facebook account for social media engagement to reach potential customers through Ads.

  9. Join Buy and Sell Groups on Facebook and Marketplaces for additional store and product traffic.

  10. Post your winning items on your social media page/s and share to gourps using business FB account everyday.

  11. Continue editing the rest of your products while consistently posting on all available channels.

  12. Utilize the free Lazada Feeds, Seller Picks and Customer Engagement Management features to reach out to your potential Customers.

  1. Do not sell below cost.

  2. Do not change or alter Seller SKU when editing products.

  3. Do not change the product size, dimenson and weight not unless advised by Bilisbenta through a Memo.

  4. Do not put Brands on product names to avoid copyright infringement.

  5. Do not edit the stocks on your Seller Center.

  1. Make it a habit to check and read your emails and memos from this platform to be updated.

  2. Strategize a marketing plan on how to market or promote your products. Research and study your products and your target market.You may also compare with your competitors to better understand your competition and improve yours.

  3. Always update your skills by learning the Lazada University.

  4. Always check the Seller Center for available Promotions. You do not need to join all.

  5. Always remember not to set your pricing below the Item Cost found on the Bilisbenta dashboard.

  6. Respect each other within and outside the platform for we have the common goal of succeeding in this partnership.

  7. Support other Dropshippers by sharing your proven effective strategies in the community.

  8. Always reach out to Bilisbenta authorized representatives regarding your concerns.

  9. Make it a daily habit to check your Order Returns. Lazada will automatically give out the item and it will be charged to your account if left unprocessed.

Once registered, you can promote Bilisbenta with your affiliate link and use this as a way to get 10% incentive and is just a one time commission per user.

This is a point system where we measure the drop shippers’ compliance to BilisBenta’s policies specifically with selling our items not below the cost. If any drop shipper is verified to have taken part in any activities that result to selling our items below cost, a non-compliance point will be issued depending on severity of breach of our policy. In addition to that, the order/s that are detected to be sold below cost will be put on-hold by our Fulfillment Team. The drop shipper needs to confirm and pay the total cost of items of the order/s in order for the Fulfillment Team to process their orders, otherwise, it will be cancelled because of Service-Level Agreement (SLA) on their respective Seller Center. BilisBenta will not be liable for any negative impact on their store performance. Consequences of Drop shippers’ Non-Compliance Points Drop shipper will face certain restrictions on their account when they reach thresholds between frequency and milestone, whichever comes first. Frequency - Number of times drop shipper sold out items below cost per day Milestone - 1 point = Php 100.00 total cost prices of orders sold below cost Frequency Milestone Penalty Description 7 times 50 points Termination of store's account Store will be put on indefinite Holiday Mode and BB access will be turn off regardless of the remaining days 6 times 40 points 3 weeks Holiday Mode Store will be put on Holiday mode for 3 weeks for the drop shipper to adjust his/her pricing strategy and promotions and campaigns that affect his/her sales. Store access is still on. 5 times 30 points 2 weeks Holiday Mode Store will be put on Holiday mode for 2 weeks for the drop shipper to adjust his/her pricing strategy and promotions and campaigns that affect his/her sales. Store access is still on. 4 times 20 points 1 week Holiday Mode Store will be put on Holiday mode for 1 week for the drop shipper to adjust his/her pricing strategy and promotions and campaigns that affect his/her sales. Store access is still on. 3 times 10 points 3 days Holiday mode Store will be put on Holiday mode for 3 days for the drop shipper to adjust his/her pricing strategy and promotions and campaigns that affect his/her sales. Store access is still on. How often are points levied? BilisBenta tracks non-compliance actions daily. All non-compliance points will also be updated in a drop shipper’s account daily. Does BilisBenta reset the points? BilisBenta will reset a non-compliance points every 365 days, beginning from the date the non-compliance point was first issued. A drop shipper account termination, due to issuance of 50 or more non-compliance points, is final. A terminated drop shipper account will not be reactivated after 365 days. How will the drop shipper be notified of his/her non-compliance? An email will be sent to the drop shipper to notify their non-compliance points and consequence.

Fulfillment FAQ

Who fulfills my orders and do I need to do anything about it?

"Bilisbenta fulfills all orders for their partner Dropshippers providing hassle free online selling business from picking, packing upto delivery. Dropshippers need not to worry about the fulfillment part of their business."

Bilisbenta partners and continuously acquires both local and international suppliers under its company for Dropshippers to enjoy a wide array of products. All stocks are housed in Bilisbenta warehouse for fast and efficient order fulfillment.

"All risks and materials spend are shouldered by Bilisbenta. However, we will only allow returns for the two reasons;
- Wrong item served (with photos as proof)
- Damage item served (with photos as proof)"

"All disputes such as returned items, shipping fee discrepancies etc. is handled by BilisBenta Team."

Returns rate must be less than 15% (Lazada and Shopee) of the total Store orders.

All orders have to be returned to avoid charges.

  • Step 1: Go to Seller Center and Click Orders and Reviews.

  • Step 2: Go to Return Orders then Return Initiated.

  • Step 3: Click Return OR Return & Refund Button.

Here's a sample message you can send to your Customer:
Good day Customer! Here is how you can process Return & Refund of your order/s:

  1. Open your Lazada App and Go to Initiate Return.

  2. Once I accept your request, go to Return Orders View Details.

  3. Choose Shipment and select LBC.

  4. Present the Tracking Number sent to you by LBC as you drop off the item/s.

  5. Once we receive the item/s back, Refund will automatically credited to you as Lazada Wallet or as cash you can encash on any Lazada partners.

If you have accidentally clicked on Ready to Ship on your Seller Center on mobile or desktop, Bilisbenta will not be able to see it in the line of orders to be fulfilled. Possibility to lose the order and have penalties of Order Volume Limit (OVL) will be implemented by Lazada. Reach out to Bilisbenta support if you have committed this error.

Bilisbenta is an automated integrated Dropshiiping platform which enables and gives it Dropshippers the convenience of end-to-end e-commerce operations. Therefore, Dropshippers need to to do or trigger anything on the Seller Center for theor orders to be processed. Bilisbenta Fulfillment team gets notified through the system and will be processed accordingly.

Sales & Payment FAQ

Do we have real time Sales Details?

Real time sales report is viewable on each Dropshipper's Lazada Seller Center account with more specific data under Business Advisor while Order Tracking Report and Sales income will be reflected on the Bilisbenta dashboard simultaneously.

Dropshippers can join Campaigns and use promotional tools under Lazada Seller Center's Promotions such as Flexi Combo, Seller Voucher, Free Shipping and Bundles as long as the selling price will never be lower than the Bilisbenta cost.

For Flash Sale participation, an email request to join must be submitted for approval with the Campaign Name and nominated product list.

The cut-off for withdrawal request is every Monday and it will be for payout Thursday of the same week. For new stores, it will take 3 payout cycles from your first week sales.

Note: Make sure all these details are complete to proceed to your withdrawal

  • Account Number

  • Account Name

  • Bank Name

  • Bank Statement

  • ID Number

  • ID Image

Is there Summary of Transactions?
"You can view and check summary of transactions on your Seller Center or on the BilisBenta dashboard." For new subscribers, Sales Details under Report Tab will be updated one (1) week after your 2nd weekly Statement of Account (SOA) on your Seller Center. Other reports with regards to your Orders and Affiliate Link are updated timely on your dashboard.

BilisBenta allows Sponsored Discovery to its dropshippers only through manual top-up and use of other payment methods but never their store earnings. Before a dropshipper can access this Sponsored Solution, the store must meet the minimum eligibility criteria.

For those dropshippers who used their store earnings to top-up their Sponsored Solutions Account Balance should pay the amount that was deducted from the Store Wallet Balance. This should be settled within three (3) business days after the receipt of email notice. If the dropshipper didn’t pay in the settlement period, the amount used to top-up Sponsored Solutions will be directly deducted to their BilisBenta Wallet Balance. Dropshippers will be notified about the deduction through their email.

Consequences of Using Store Earnings
Dropshippers will face penalties according to their offense.

Offense Penalty Description
1st Offense
  • Less 7 days subscription
  • Subscription will be deducted by 7 days
  • Store access is on
2nd Offense
  • Less 15 days subscription
  • Subscription will be deducted by 15 days
  • Store access is on
3rd Offense
  • Less 30 days subscription
  • Subscription will be deducted by 30 days
  • Store access is on

Bilisbenta allows Sponsored Affiliates to its Dropshippers by requesting access to Main Seller with the promise that the Dropshipper knows and understands how to navigate through this solution. We will only allow if you have priced your products correctly to cover for the commissions/spends on this solution. We are avoiding loss on cost of good if mark up of your products are not right.

To withdraw referral income, you must first become a paid Subscriber to.

Requirements & Terms FAQ

After I register and decided to subscribe, what requirements do I need to provide?

  1. Give at least three (3) unique Store Names and make sure they are spelled correctly to avoid errors when your store gets created and turned over. Requests for Store Change Name will be entertained and processed but subject to approval of Lazada Team.

  2. Upload a copy of one Government ID (Front side & Back side). Valid IDs (SSS, Driver’s License, Passport, PHILHEALTH, Postal ID, Voter’s ID, TIN ID).

  3. Provide us your accurate Bank Name, Account Name and Account Number. Errors on the enrollment will affect payout process for your Store.

Dropshipping is allowed on online marketplaces such Lazada, Shopee, Zilingo and etc. as long as the Dropshipper complies with the platforms' rules and regulations.

For a hassle-free dropshipping, BilisBenta has partnered with an accounting firm. We offer an in-house registration for handling your tax filing but there will be a service charge of 12% per transaction based on gross earnings (Sales Income less Pass-on Price). This charge will be paid to the accounting firm.

"Subscriptions can be paid through Paypal, Paymongo and Bank Transfer. Transactions under Bank Transfer are the following:

ATM/Debit Cards (Online Bank Transfer)
Over-the-Counter Bank Deposit
e-Wallet (Gcash, Coins.PH, PayMaya, etc.)

Proof of payment must be uploaded on the Subscription page for these Bank Transfer transactions."

Tiktok Dropshipping


How can I become a subscriber on TikTok?

  1. To proceed with registration, please follow the steps to verify your email address.

  2. Please navigate to the settings tab and provide the required information in the designated fields.

  3. Please ensure that the identification document you upload has not already been registered in the TikTok shop.

  4. Visit the subscription page, select TikTok dropshipping catalogs, and subscribe to the desired catalogs to sell.

  5. Please ensure that you have filled in all the required additional details before proceeding to the payment page.

  6. Read the Terms and Conditions before proceeding to stay informed and protect yourself.

  7. Once you choose your preferred payment option and complete the payment, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

Who can create a store for me on TikTok?

BilisBenta will create your TikTok store with product photos, titles, and descriptions, but it will not be in live status.

When will I receive my store, and when does my subscription start?

Store creation takes 7-14 days.
To start your subscription, you must first pass an exam on TikTok seller's guidelines and policies. We will provide you with a video and article links for study reference. This step is vital before you begin selling to ensure that you do not violate any rules and avoid getting your account permanently banned.

What if I didn't pass the exam?

Please be aware that you have a 30-day period to take the exam, and you are allowed up to 3 attempts. However, please note that after the third attempt, an admin fee will be charged. You must take the time to thoroughly watch and understand the video content to ensure that you pass the exam on your first attempt. We strongly recommend that you take this seriously and come fully prepared to succeed.

What are the requirements that need to be fulfilled before subscribing?

Ensure that you have passed the exam and have a valid government ID that is not yet registered in any TikTok shop. You need to pay the subscription fee based on your preferred catalog/s.

What if I already have a TikTok shop? Can I use it instead?

No. By creating a new store for each catalog subscribed, BilisBenta ensures optimal organization and efficiency. This approach guarantees that each catalog has its dedicated store, streamlining the catalog management process.

Can I upload my products to my TikTok store created by BilisBenta?

Please note that we can only accept products that are included in our catalog. This is to ensure consistency and quality control in our offerings. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


What do I do when my store gets turned over?

Basi Guidelines

  1. Identify at least 10-20 winning items and focus on optimizing them.
  2. Edit your winning items and use high-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords to ensure discoverability. make sure the listing is unique.
  3. Change your product prices at your preferred markup percentage based on cost at the BilisBenta website. Never sell below BilisBenta’s cost.

Intermediate Guidelines

  1. Create short-form videos showcasing your products in fun, informative, and trendy ways. Utilize trending sounds, challenges, and hashtags to reach a wider audience.
  2. Host interactive live streams to connect with potential buyers, answer questions, and demonstrate products in real time.
  3. Attract buyers with discounts, limited-time offers, and product bundles to boost sales.
  4. Join relevant hashtag challenges, seasonal campaigns, and platform-wide promotions for increased visibility.
  5. Create a sense of urgency and excitement with countdown timers and exclusive deals.

Advanced Guidelines

  1. Partner with relevant TikTok creators to promote your products.
  2. Utilize TikTok's advertising platform to target specific demographics and interests with relevant product ads.
  3. Keep an eye on evolving TikTok trends and challenges to ensure your content remains fresh and relevant.
  4. Connect with other TikTok sellers to share experiences and learn best practices from others.


How do I maintain my credibility as a TikTok dropshipper?

  1. Do not violate any rules and regulations that the platform is implementing. These are the things you need to know.
  2. Content and marketing guidelines:
    • No misleading or deceptive claims: Be truthful and transparent about your product's features, benefits, and potential risks.
    • No false or exaggerated pricing. Don't use fake discounts or inflate original prices to manipulate promotions.
    • No promotion from other platforms. Don't mention any platform in any life you will do to extend your promotion to other platforms.
    • No discriminatory or offensive content. Avoid hate speech, bullying, and content that promotes violence or illegal activities.
  3. Respect intellectual property. Don't use copyrighted music, logos, or visuals without permission.
  4. Comply with local laws and regulations. Ensure your products and marketing practices adhere to all relevant regulations in your region.



  1. Select high-quality products that follow local laws and avoid restricted categories.
  2. Optimize your listings with clear and detailed information and high-quality images while maintaining competitive pricing.
  3. Efficiently resolve issues and provide a seamless shopping experience for excellent customer service.
  4. To boost your visibility on TikTok, you can take advantage of a few helpful tools. TikTok Ads, influencer partnerships, and live streaming are all effective ways to increase your reach on the platform.


  1. It is important to avoid selling items that are on TikTok's restricted list to prevent penalties and account suspension.
  2. Avoid Misleading Information: Don't exaggerate product features or engage in unfair practices like price gouging.
  3. Prioritize Customer Service: Neglecting customer inquiries or complaints can harm your reputation.
  4. Respect Intellectual Property: Don't sell counterfeit products or use unauthorized brand logos.



  1. To create engaging content, you can make fun and informative videos that showcase your products. Utilize the latest trends and storytelling techniques to capture the attention of your audience.
  2. Focus on demonstrating products by showing how they work, addressing common use cases, and highlighting their benefits.
  3. "Be authentic" means building trust with others by being genuine, avoiding any form of exaggerated claims, and maintaining transparency.
  4. To achieve the best possible outcomes, it's important to concentrate on crafting a select few videos of exceptional quality, rather than churning out numerous videos with minimal effort. By prioritizing quality over quantity, you'll be more likely to create meaningful and engaging content that your audience will find valuable and enjoyable.
  5. Engage with your audience by responding to their comments, asking them questions, and organizing contests to encourage interaction.


  1. Quality always trumps quantity - ditch the spam and shoddy videos and elevate your content game for a truly impactful presence.
  2. No Clickbait. Avoid deceptive thumbnails, fake promises, or exaggerated claims to attract viewers.
  3. Avoid Offensive Content. Steer clear of violence, hate speech, discrimination, or anything against TikTok's guidelines.
  4. Use Captions and Hashtags. Provide context through captions and use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.
  5. Stay Updated: Keep track of TikTok trends and tailor your content to match audience preferences.


Note: We don't have control over TikTok platform rules and regulations. It is your obligation and responsibility to study, read, and watch the instructions materials in your TikTok Seller Center. Our Support can accommodate your concerns regarding BilisBenta matters. But on Platform matters, you need to chat with the platform support and ask the platform support for any concerns.

You may contact us on our Facebook page, BilisBenta Support for your concerns and inquiries, [FB LINK] Thank you.
